About Fresh Coat Finishes

Hi! I’m Nancy and I’m the owner of Fresh Coat Finishes. My story of refinishing furniture started a very long time ago. My Dad was a do-it-yourself guy, and he had enough patience to teach his young children how to do things too. I was eager to learn, always looking for the diamond hidden in the lump of coal. His father was a wood worker and wood carver and they both taught me how to repair things and how to care for wood.

The first thing I remember painting (besides paper or walls) was a pair of hand-me-down skis which I painted a bright shiny red at the age of 11 or 12. Next was a desk that I painted green and orange (my tastes have evolved a bit since then). A few years later as a teenager, I didn’t like the orange and green anymore so I used a blow torch(gasp!) to scrape all the layers of paint off so I could stain the bare wood to match my bed.

Life went on with school, work, marriage, and children, with many projects scattered over the years. After many years of commuting and working in the corporate world, my husband and I longed to own our own business. We took a leap of faith and moved our family clear across the country to purchase an old-fashioned general store in New Hampshire. We lived above the store and loved being there when the kids came home from school. It was a wonderful lifestyle and we loved it, but after 24 years we were ready to retire.

Retirement provided more time for more projects! I fell in love with the rustic look of cottage style furniture refinishing and the infinite variety of colors and finishes. But I could only fit so much furniture into my lovely little retirement home. As I began doing more and more pieces, people kept asking me “When are you going to open up a shop?” And thus, “Fresh Coat Finishes” was born!

I hope you find what you’re looking for here. If not, let me know and I’ll help you find it! Connect on my Facebook and Instagram see what I’m working on and to get the latest news and product releases. Looking for finished pieces? Click on "Finished Pieces" in the menu at the top of the page.

Thanks for visiting Fresh Coat Finishes!